Yup, I finally picked a new blogname. It’s apparently a lot harder than I expected it to be but after pestering friends and family I finally settled on one.


I wanted a blog that could encompass everything I’m inspired to do beyond just knitting and other fiber arts. So many of my recent posts are about baking even though I am still knitting. I find my knitting less blogworthy while my new adventures in the world of sewing (who needs a grocery tote?) are just begging to be blogged about.

Yarn4brains has been a wonderful place for the last 3.5 years but the name has never felt ‘right’ to me. I won’t be deleting anything here and may migrate what I can over to the new blog but I expect this will be my last post here.

I’m thrilled to be starting over at CookCraftGrow where I hope you will all join me in learning as I go.