I’ve discovered a problem with packing up your life…you find yarn in the strangest places.

Since I took a tally of what I thought was all my stash on Dec 31st I have found another 11 skeins of yarn. That brings my total to 233 for the start of 2009. I’m changing my counter on the sidebar to reflect the new numbers because while I didn’t know I had those 11 skeins they still count for the beginning of the year. 


What was worse is that all the yarn I found was sock yarn. Assuming I knit socks out of every skein of sock yarn I currently own (even the skeins I bought to make non-sock projects) I have 54 pairs of socks waiting to be made. Considering the fact that I seem to knit socks at a rate of maybe 10 per year…well you can see I sure as hell don’t need more sock yarn since I could knit socks for the next 5 years and still have some in stash.

Double sigh.

In other news.

This is the room where Dragonfibers used to live. It’s empty now. I’m a little sad but the move will be soon and I’ve already gotten permission from Dad to setup in the computer/sewing room aka my sister’s old bedroom. The upside is that it has it’s own bathroom so I won’t have to plan my showering needs around my dye orders anymore. My friends and family will be happy about that.