Tonight I learned that when you exclaim “Check out my fuzzy balls!” to a non-knitter/spinner they oftentimes get a look of panic on their faces. Even when they are related to you and should be used to comments like that by now.

5lbs of roving dyed over 3 evenings. I’m pooped. I was so excited to be done dyeing last night until I realized it meant I had an evening of braiding ahead of me.

I came home and cleared off the dining table and started off with this.

Fuzzy balls

and about an hour and a half later I had this…

table of braids

Luckily I had company, abeit from 6 feet away.


He didn’t know whether to run and hide or stay and watch. Both cats know they need to stay away from yarn and fiber or else the crazy lady starts yelling. He settled for watching until he realized what I was doing was boring and then fell asleep in the box. Last night he curled up in the large paper bag from VY&T and slept there while I dyed. So freaking cute!

Tomorrow the braids have their photo shoot and then most will go online at the etsy store on Friday while 6 make their way to VY&T where hopefully someone will fall madly in love with them and whisk them home (after paying for them of course).

As for the next project, well the second Monkey sock still needs to be cast on and yet look what I have sitting on the table waiting for me. (I swear the color coordination was not intentional)

diy hackles

I’m going to play for a bit tonight but this weekend is all about the Monkey. June 18th is coming up soon and I have to finish this pair and possibly 1 more before then. Sigh. I better get a shitload of mint Aeros and Flake chocolates for this.

UPDATE:: The shop has been updated now…you know you want to look 🙂